purpose is where the presence is

Purpose is where the presence is.

I supported myself as a jewellery artist for 20 years- and I’m proud of that. I’m also proud of myself for exiting that career and entering another that is more soul fulfilling for me.
This weekend as I walked around the @filbergfest I was honestly so happy to be on the other side of the booth. During that 20 years I had moments of wondering if I’d rather be doing something else but didn’t have a clear vision of what that was. So I took courses in things that interested me… for years. I let myself follow my gut and my belly… and dove into my areas of curiosity with what time and energy I had left.
Sometimes we have to just follow the little glimmers to eventually come to a new place. I didn’t know I was setting out to be a therapist, facilitator and ceremonialist but when I started doing that learning and that work parts of me lit up!

All along I looked for what pulled me into presence. And it was that rather that trying to figure out my ‘purpose’ that ended up leading me to my purpose…. And I didn’t know it at the time but I realize it now.

When we get locked into finding our purpose it’s wrapped up in identity and that can get tricky as we get scared and play small or try and prove something. When we focus on presence who we are can emerge naturally.
Sometimes a good sit down brainstorm/coaching/talk with friends about purpose is helpful and sometimes being clear and directive is available AND just watch where your presence is and what lights you up along the way… you may end up somewhere beyond even your own imagination!

I hope you find your self in presence today. ✨❤️


tender noticing


rowboat regatta