What is Radical Liberation?

About a week before launching my website I woke up in the middle of the night. My face prickling with anxiety, my heart beating a little faster... what was I thinking claiming radical liberation as my tagline? To centralize those words as a part of my public offering was a bold move. Surely, I was claiming too much. Who was I to claim this? What did I even mean by this?

As I stayed with it, there was a feeling I had to follow. A strong feeling that this is what I’m interested in. This is the conversation I want to have, with you, with life and with myself. A conversation with each other about what it means to be participating in your own radical liberation.

This is what it means to me, thus far…

Embracing brave change and being willing to look at and meet our courageous internal edge - which is completely unique for everyone.

Peeling back the layers of internalized shame and hurt.

Practicing meeting the most challenging, pained and precious parts of ourselves with loving compassion. Radical liberation means this especially… because this is where I’ve noticed such a shift in myself… to embody this practice has been radical, and liberating.

Challenging systemic problems ( such as racism, capitalism, patriarchy, misogyny, ableism, white supremacy, anti- LGBTQIA+, colonialism) and being honest about the effects on ourselves, our fellow humans and beyond.

Ultimately, it means loving our whole selves and each other so hard that we are inspired to enliven our imaginations, celebrate the beauty around us, and create new ways of living with each other.


I am working on a therapeutic process to practice embodying this radical liberation. It is revealing its self to me day by day.  

I’m not making claims that I am all the way radically liberated (insert belly laugh). It means that I am interested in reaching for freedom and belonging and resting there. I am practicing. Life is showing me something and I am here for it.


I hope you are too.