you were made for this world
Sweet child
you were gifted all of this
open the eyes of your heart
and swallow it whole
the beauty and the pain
your place here is as sure
as the rising sun
and cresting moon
life is immense.
The range of experiences we encounter - the trials that we endure - are both collective and personal.
While some of what touches us will inspire and empower, other things will block and hinder.
Finding our way through difficult times often requires us to forge a new and unfamiliar path; to cultivate our capacity to meet the unknown with curiosity, creativity and compassion.
This is where I want to meet you.
get unstuck
Old narratives hang on only as long as we invest in them. Shake loose those narratives that are weighing you down through embodiment practices, ritual, and resonance.

illusions revealed
truth remembered
The systemic harm that hides in broad daylight around us and in shadowy places within us must be revealed and challenged. Systems such as racism, colonialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, poverty and many more, contribute to the challenges we are dealing with, and must be dismantled in order to live the true narrative of your unique expression as a human being, in freedom and radiance.
permission given
To explore our own experience without judgement or fixing can be a radical act. I believe that this acceptance is the first act of compassion. From compassion peace arises and from peace our brilliance is born.
I am here to give you permission to step into radical magnificence.
This work rests at the intersection of spirituality, creativity and embodiment.
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