Imagine if we reserved days for beauty
like we reserve days for work
or tending to a thousand things to be crossed off lists.
Imagine how that would lift those achy corners of the heart + chase away thoughts that lead us astray from what is whole + good + true.
It might be enough
To fortify our hearts
For another day
Hi, I’m Jessie
Your devoted guide for radical liberation.
Through embodiment practices, ritual and resonance, I help people craft their inspired life.
My intention is simply to share the things that have helped me along this path.
I trust in your becoming. From forgetting to fulfillment, from dismay to delight, together we can walk you back to your radiance.
I am here for that work.
where I’m from
I was raised in the Pacific North West, from the wilds of Cortes Island to the rivers of the Comox Valley.
I have traveled worldwide and currently homestead on 9 acres of land with my brother and his precious family.
I have recently closed my full time jewelry business of 20 years.
I sought this work originally because I was struggling in the areas of health, relationship, connection, and belonging (to myself, my own life and to this world). I needed help. And the help that I received changed me.
I am finding much gratitude for myself these days: for showing up for all those tears, for learning to be present with myself, for learning to be loving and compassionate with myself. For following the next ‘feels right’ thing… that eventually found me here in this new career that I love. In a new me that I love.
I’m a Taurus Fire Dragon.
Sometimes I curse like a sailor.
I love flowers. Deeply. Madly.
(Also cookies, chai and Netflix)
where it’s taken me
My vision is one where people are living happy, healthy lives in joyful rhythm with nature. It is a vision of connection and pleasure, where the simple act of living supports all beings.
My intention is simply to share the things that have helped me along this path.
I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC), a folk medicine practitioner, and a ceremonialist. You can read more about my training and experience here.
I have spent countless hours in reverence, listening to teachers and guides around the world. I have endless gratitude for how this has informed me personally and professionally. I acknowledge Mariah Moser, one of the most skilled teachers I’ve ever met - who not only taught us, but showed us how to be good Relational Somatic Therapists. I acknowledge Angela Little Bird for the countless ways she has shared knowledge, guided me back to myself, and encouraged my becoming - the path she invited me into has shaped me in ways I am forever grateful for.
I understand and continue to learn about the ways systemic injury is done to people by societal, social, and forces. Sometimes the pain we carry is not the result of our personal past or choices but that of the current state of human systems.
I am here to hold you through the work that is required to remove the blocks and reveal your true nature that is inherent wholeness.
I am here to give you permission to shine from the depths of your being.
where I’d like to meet you
While we don’t always feel welcome in our own lives, bypassing this through superficial and perpetual positivity is not a viable solution.
You belong here. You were designed to shine. And sometimes it can take work to burn away the old, untrue stories to reveal the true narrative of your unique expression as a human being.
This is where I want to meet you.
I believe healing should be in service of joy, not just circling around what’s wrong. To this end, I hold a space of becoming. A space for finding your inherent sense of belonging and reclaim your self-autonomy.