
Despite the deep desire to slow down, many of us are busier than ever. Some days feel like a moment to oneself is an illusive treasure to be found somewhere on a map we don’t have. ⠀⠀
I get pulled in so many directions in one day. I’m often changing hats more times than I can count. I’m guessing many of you can relate.⠀⠀
And yet, when we pause and find it, the gold of the present moment has been patiently waiting for us all along. ⠀⠀
Whether it be a two minute simple offering or an intentional ceremony over hours, I find again and again, that participating in ritual brings me deeper into life... and into myself. It brings me to that place where all the tricky details of life fall away and I remember who I am. I find gratitude and faith here. I find home here. I find grace here.⠀

