ancestral healing
In my work as counsellor and facilitator a lot of people ask about ancestral healing. It is my belief that the work we are doing now is not separate from what our ancestors also needed. ⠀
There are intentional ways to work with our ancestral lineages though when we come down to the core of the healing experience, time is less linear than we think. What we carry in our DNA is here now and when we tend to the hurt places of the present we are offering that same healing to those who came before us. ⠀
Our ancestors may have not had the time, place and people (and cultural expectations) that felt safe to unfold the tender places in themselves. Many of our grandparents experienced living through world wars and genocides (some people still are!) - an experience many of us cannot imagine. But we can sit with what is here now- honouring what ever shape and form pain is present. ⠀
Today when we take time to honour those that have sacrificed so much for our freedom as well as acknowledge the atrocity that is war, think of your grandparents and their parents. And love yourself as they would have loved you... we are all holding each other through this life. ⠀
Let us also acknowledge that the work we do now is our offering to future generations. May we strive to end war and suffering that still exists, in near and far places. ⠀
In remembrance and love, ⠀
Jessie ⠀