holding it all
“What a crazy time to be a human here on earth.”
I find myself saying that a lot lately.
Never before have we humans lived in a time such as this. Never have we had access to so much knowledge and also so little wisdom. Not that the wisdom isn’t there it’s just that there is so little time to sit with it...To live with it unfolding in our hands and hearts the way it must.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed (I do often, though less than I used to). It’s easy to be disheartened.⠀
I watched the film David Attenborough: A life on our planet (it’s a must watch) and was both heart broken and wildly hopeful. To hold onto wild hope, for me is a practice that takes some work but feels so important.
As we stand on this precipice we are on the brink of potentials we can’t even fully comprehend. Human’s are capable of so much destruction but equally if not greater (I believe) amounts of creativity, compassion and visionary magic.
For me life is a dance of holding the grief and yearnings right along side passion and joy. Holding the tension of these things is something I find in friendship, ritual, ceremony, dance.... Where do you find the strength to hold it all?