the most worthy endeavour of all
What will we base our identity on when what we identified with (and love ourselves for) starts to fade, falter or vanish? ⠀
It is a calling to know and to love ourselves for something more profound. deeper. True. ⠀
To see ourselves as valuable and beyond that - as sacred - Just for being. ⠀
And in that being - recognizing wholeness. Like looking into the mirror, as we did a thousand times before, but this time, raising our hand to the reflection and seeing that the reflection is not our Self. ⠀
Wholeness is not a reflection; Two dimensional in its perfection and idealism. Wholeness is the touch of our hand on our own body. Across our newly wrinkled faces, over our slowly repairing hearts, and aching back. ⠀
This kind of deep recognition is beyond our accomplishments, it is beyond finding our place amongst the named achievements and careers. ⠀
It is, perhaps, a seat in the arena of the deep feminine, in the mystery of namelessness - like when before a tree was called a tree - it just was - a force of awe, and strength and wonder. ⠀
To believe that we are valuable and sacred just for being....⠀
Can we do that? ⠀
It is harder than we know,⠀
Until we are in it. ⠀
To dedicate ourselves to this kind of knowing is a quiet fierce courage, ⠀
Perhaps the most worthy endeavour of all.